Once upon a time, I dreamed of traveling the world as a keynoter. Now I realize I prefer leading workshops. Keynotes are great, but workshops provide a much more interactive experience.
By nature, workshops are smaller, action-oriented, and leave attendees with something tangible to act on when they leave.

If you’ve known me longer than a minute, you know that’s right up my alley.
This fall, I’m looking forward to appearances at Genius Network and Quilt Market.
At Genius, I’ll be presenting a short workshop geared toward CEOs who need to shift their thinking on coaches, consultants and service providers.
At Quilt Market, I’m booked for three business workshops for creative retailers:
- using numbers to make better decisions,
- surprising factors that damage retail businesses, and
- 10 tactics to increase effectiveness as a business owner.
With 40 years of experience across 45+ industries, I enjoy bringing a fresh perspective to the topic of building a sustainable, values-driven business that satisfies the owner’s needs and desires.
To learn more about what it’s like to have me as a guest or featured speaker, check out my online media kit. And if you have a podcast, membership, or mastermind, the kit has resources for you, too! I love being a trusted resource in communities of all sizes.
About Gwen
Gwen Bortner has spent four decades advising executives and entrepreneurs in 45+ industries. She helps women succeed in business without sacrificing happiness by identifying their true desires and aligning their business functions. She spots overlooked bottlenecks and crafts efficient plans toward sustainable success that center your values and priorities.