Back to Fundamentals

Back to Fundamentals

Back in the late 1990’s when blogs were first starting to reach the public consciousness, they really were just web logs (thus the term blog). For most folks, they were a form of online journal that in some cases were shared with the public. Back in July on my...
5 Lessons Learned From an Amusement Park

5 Lessons Learned From an Amusement Park

Like most people my age, I didn’t discover the joys of amusement parks until I had entered my teenage years. Through the peer pressure of my cousins I went on my first loopy roller coaster and I was hooked. Now decades later, my husband and I often enjoy a day...
The Power of Networking In Real-Life

The Power of Networking In Real-Life

With the boom in social media, so much time and conversation is spent on how to build your virtual network. But is that enough? Has our love of the internet caused us to lose sight of the importance of our “in real life” connections? How many views? How...
How to Turn Conference Overload into Usable Knowledge

How to Turn Conference Overload into Usable Knowledge

Any good conference will provide interesting information and generate lots of ideas. So many ideas that by the end of the conference you are overwhelmed. The trick is to be able to take all of that information and transform it into usable, workable knowledge. For...
The Power of Peers

The Power of Peers

Earlier this month I had my standing meeting with my mastermind group. Every time, I finish with such great ideas and energy. When we work as soloprenuers, home business or small business owners, we get used to thinking that we are The Lone Ranger – that...
9 Reasons Platform University is Worth the Investment

9 Reasons Platform University is Worth the Investment

For nearly two years now I have been a member of Platform University (the business training membership site led by Michael Hyatt). It is one of the best investments I have made in my business. True confession: as a life-long learner, I am a bit of a training...