Setting realistic business goals is a surefire way to boost your productivity. And there’s no better time to focus on realistic and achievable goals than during the quarterly planning process. If you’re like most business owners, you’ll focus on quarterly planning at...
Quarterly planning is a critical component of any successful business strategy. In general terms, it involves setting goals, identifying challenges, and creating actionable steps to achieve your objectives. Whether you’re a small startup or a large corporation,...
How happy are you with the way you typically set goals for your business? Do you keep your goals once you’ve set them, or do you struggle to follow through? In my last post, I outlined the crucial first step in the goal-setting process: quarterly review. Today, I’m...
Setting goals is great – it feels so good to think about the future and make plans for the greatness you will achieve in the coming year. The hard part comes when you start looking back at the goals you set, and you realize you haven’t met any of them. Stop letting...
How many times have you set a goal, personally or professionally, and then felt frustrated when you weren’t able to reach it? Maybe you were really enthusiastic at the beginning, but you lost interest over time. Maybe the goal felt attainable when you set it, but then...
In my work as a consultant, I talk to my clients about goal-setting all the time. You probably set goals regularly, both formally and informally, but how many of those goals do you actually reach? If you’re having problems in this area, chances are you just need to...
I'm Gwen Bortner, and I've spent 40 years turning chaotic businesses into well-oiled machines across 47 industries. Now, my team and I work with women entrepreneurs to build sustainable, fulfilling businessesaligned with their values.