How to Make Accountability Charts For Your Business

How to Make Accountability Charts For Your Business

Do you ever finish out your work day and wonder where the time went? Do you feel like you’re not really accomplishing very much, even though you’re working all day? Chances are you’re losing crucial time in your business trying to do too many different tasks, or...
Going with Your Gut Only Gets You So Far

Going with Your Gut Only Gets You So Far

How many assumptions do you make about your business on a regular basis? Do any of these sound familiar to you? I’m pretty sure I’m on track to meet my goals this quarter.It feels like my numbers are about the same as they were last year.I haven’t gotten any red alert...
Step Into Your Role as the CEO of Your Business

Step Into Your Role as the CEO of Your Business

How long have you been the only person working in your business? Even if you have a few other people working with you, if you’re the one doing all the heavy lifting, it may be time to re-evaluate a few things.  You can’t keep making things up as you go, changing...
Are you the CEO of Your Business, or the Jack of All Trades?

Are you the CEO of Your Business, or the Jack of All Trades?

When you first started your business, you were probably the only person working in that business. You had to learn to be the “Jack of All Trades” in order to get your business off the ground and keep it running. This is a solid way to start a business, but at a...
Feeling Scattered? How to Be More Consistent in Your Business

Feeling Scattered? How to Be More Consistent in Your Business

If you’ve been feeling like your business is a little bit chaotic or scattered, it’s time to get some consistency. A significant factor in the success of any business is having consistent processes; not only will this increase productivity, it also improves your...