Calendar Management — There Is More Than One Way

Calendar Management — There Is More Than One Way

For as long as I can remember, my productivity has been guided by two things: my task list and my calendar. Depending on my role, one would always be the more dominant over the other. However, over time I have learned that managing them in tandem is almost always the...
How Recurrance Features Save Time

How Recurrance Features Save Time

Activities we engage in on a regular basis are often described as habits. But before they become habits, we must first develop a discipline of repeated activities. This is where recurrence can come to the rescue. Most of us develop a habit of brushing our teeth while...
Managing Your Calendar for Increased Productivity

Managing Your Calendar for Increased Productivity

For as long as I can remember, my productivity has been guided by two things: my task list and my calendar. However, these two items have rarely truly been managed in tandem. I would set appointments with clients, for meetings or personal activities and then the time...