All Work and No Play Makes You Dull

All Work and No Play Makes You Dull

The phrase, “All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” is true on many levels, probably more so in today’s over-worked, hyper-connected society. I think it is even more true for entrepreneurs. When someone chooses to go into business for...
Do You Work Too Much?

Do You Work Too Much?

The title of this post seems like a simple enough question, but in reality it rarely is. Whether you are an employee or self-employed it is easy to find the lines between work and personal life blurred. There are host of sayings that point to this issue. This can...
The Challenge of Being An Extrovert

The Challenge of Being An Extrovert

I am a serious extrovert! Nobody is just one or the other, introvert or extrovert. But I am almost all extrovert and that can be super challenging when most of my world is introverted. Back before I left my corporate job, I had the opportunity to participate in a...