My Top Strategies for Making Clear Decisions

My Top Strategies for Making Clear Decisions

In my last post, I outlined the biggest obstacles we face when we have to make a tough decision (click here if you haven’t read that one yet). This is also a follow-up to the piece I wrote for APeeling Magazine; if you’d like to read the original piece, click here....
How to Get Un-Stuck when Making Decisions

How to Get Un-Stuck when Making Decisions

Recently I wrote an article for APeeling Magazine about how to get out of your head when you’re faced with an important decision. Today I’m sharing some similar ideas, but if you’d like to read the original article, click here. I’ll bet if I asked you to track all the...
5 Questions to Ask Before Your Next Software Purchase

5 Questions to Ask Before Your Next Software Purchase

One of the biggest challenges in managing your business on an ongoing basis is deciding when it is time to make a change, particularly when it comes to selecting the software and apps we use every day. It is so easy to get comfortable with something we use every day...