4 Ways Growth Can be Painful in Your Business

4 Ways Growth Can be Painful in Your Business

There’s a reason we have the term “growing pains” in our collective vocabulary: growth can be painful! In your business, the periods that are the most stressful and overwhelming are usually also the periods where you experience the greatest growth and forward...
Is your business made for sustainability or scalability?

Is your business made for sustainability or scalability?

Once your business reaches a certain level, two things have to happen:  Get very clear about what you sell.Set up a model that is ready for sustainability or scalability, depending on your goals. Today I’m going to help you do just that! Sitting around thinking...
What are you actually trying to accomplish?

What are you actually trying to accomplish?

Are you spending all your time in the day-to-day tasks of running your business, or do you regularly take time to think about what truly matters to you and plan out your overall mission and vision? If you don’t know where you’re going, or have a plan for...