Speak to Teach

Speak to Teach

Last week I attended my church conference not as a representative of my local church, but instead as a representative of our district which is composed of approximately 85 churches. In this role, I was asked to speak briefly to all of the laity (non-clergy) in...
3 Secrets Every Presenter Should Know

3 Secrets Every Presenter Should Know

Presenters come in all shapes and sizes, using a variety of skills, working in a myriad of venues. But whether they are working as professional speakers, writers, instructors, trainers or preachers, they all need to know these three secrets to being a successful...
What We Can Learn From Sherlock Holmes About Teaching a Class

What We Can Learn From Sherlock Holmes About Teaching a Class

Historically I was never a big Sherlock Holmes fan. But with the recent movies and two TV series, my interest has grown. His methods, insights and attitudes are intriguing. What I have come to realize is that many of the tools Sherlock Holmes uses for solving a...