Marketing…you either love it or hate it. You are either good at it with natural instincts or you struggle with it, trying to learn as much as you can. Marketing is essential for solo-preneurs, no matter how well you do with it. Photo Credit: ZedZap via...
Image via Flickr by JD Hancock Even though I don’t have kids, that does not stop me from watching (and thoroughly enjoying) lots of cartoons. One of my favorites in the mid to late 90’s was Pinky and the Brain by Warner Bros. The premise of the show is...
Image via Flickr by Bahman Farzad Let me start by saying that I have never been in a play or been part of a theater production; however, I have a lot of theater friends and have attended theater performances from local community theater to Broadway productions. So...
Image via Flickr by jakeandlindsay At the beginning of the month I laid out a challenge for myself, to write a blog post a day. And like most challenges, resolutions, or goals, things started off like gangbusters! But then the middle of the month arrived which...
I'm Gwen Bortner, and I've spent 40 years turning chaotic businesses into well-oiled machines across 47 industries. Now, my team and I work with women entrepreneurs to build sustainable, fulfilling businessesaligned with their values.