Quarterly Review: A Resource Roundup

Quarterly Review: A Resource Roundup

For my entire life as an entrepreneur, one thing that I really geek out over is quarterly review & planning sessions. I just love the clarity I find in these sessions that helps me take an honest look at where I’ve been, the momentum it builds to set goals for my...
First You Get Sick…

First You Get Sick…

The steps to starting a sabbatical that is much needed are simple. 1) Pick a date to start.  2) Sketch out a plan of how to use the time. 3) Start the sabbatical and immediately get extremely sick, throwing everything off! Of course, this might not be how it...
Where’s the Market

Where’s the Market

If you are anywhere near my age, you remember the old Wendy’s commercials with the little old lady asking, “Where’s the beef?” It is an iconic commercial of the 1980’s. For the last few weeks, the question I have been asking as I...
5 Lessons Learned From an Amusement Park

5 Lessons Learned From an Amusement Park

Like most people my age, I didn’t discover the joys of amusement parks until I had entered my teenage years. Through the peer pressure of my cousins I went on my first loopy roller coaster and I was hooked. Now decades later, my husband and I often enjoy a day...
5 Reasons to Host a Retreat

5 Reasons to Host a Retreat

I have just finished teaching at an annual weekend retreat and just like every year prior, it was awesome! This retreat is special in a variety of ways. Even though I think mixing it up is a good idea, they bring me back every year. It is so much fun that my...