3 Lessons Speakers Can Learn from Theater

3 Lessons Speakers Can Learn from Theater

Image via Flickr by Bahman Farzad Let me start by saying that I have never been in a play or been part of a theater production; however, I have a lot of theater friends and have attended theater performances from local community theater to Broadway productions. So...
5 Sure-Fire Methods to Get Over Stage Fright

5 Sure-Fire Methods to Get Over Stage Fright

Image via Flickr by comedy_nose In my professional development class, How To Teach It, I often get comments about the challenges of being in front of a group – more commonly known as stage fright. Below are the methods I have successfully used for years in...
The Secret of Excellence

The Secret of Excellence

The secret to excellence is simple: you have to be willing to try, miss the mark, analyze what went astray, make adjustments and then try again.  In short, you have to be willing to practice! Image via Flickr by dgj103 And there it is, as simple as that. But it is...