Deborah Bakti

Gwen’s GEARS assessment helps me to prioritize where I need to focus in and on my business to get the results I want. It’s a fluid process, as priorities can change quarter over quarter, and having a tool to help identify in a pragmatic way takes the guesswork or ‘gut...

Elena F. Deutsch, MPH

I knew I needed help when recently I was in the middle of a launch and things were not going well – I was frustrated, stuck and overwhelmed. I felt out of my league, like the things that I wanted were just out of my reach, I could see them but I couldn’t get there on...

Karla Overland

I kind of always knew I needed help. I am a Creative with a degree in Graphic Design and never took a business course. The evolution of my business has left me as sole owner, and I have always just had to “figure it out.” I didn’t think I was doing TOO badly. But when...

Rachel L. Rider

I knew I needed help when I wanted to scale my business. I was particularly stuck around my product offerings. I needed a sounding board to create infrastructure and processes that would enable us to take on a higher volume of clients. One early, unexpected win...

Amber Kinney

Prior to working with Gwen, my business was at a comfortable plateau. It was profitable and solid, but I knew it could grow further.  Now I’m seeing all sorts of new potential. Gwen and I have worked together for 5 months and I’m on track to increase my business...