What We Can Learn From Sherlock Holmes About Teaching a Class

What We Can Learn From Sherlock Holmes About Teaching a Class

Historically I was never a big Sherlock Holmes fan. But with the recent movies and two TV series, my interest has grown. His methods, insights and attitudes are intriguing. What I have come to realize is that many of the tools Sherlock Holmes uses for solving a...
How to Deal with Difficult Students: The Ultimate Guide (Part 2)

How to Deal with Difficult Students: The Ultimate Guide (Part 2)

Two days ago I started this 3-part series by defining categories of difficult students. As I said in that piece, my classrooms rarely have any challenging students; my secret is stopping the behavior before it starts. Another way to think about it is “An ounce...
How to Teach a Class Your Students Will Love

How to Teach a Class Your Students Will Love

I recently heard an interview with Tom Jones asking how long he intended to work. His response: “I haven’t worked since 1968!” For me, teaching feels the exact same way, and I consider myself lucky. Most of my income is generated from doing something...