How to Deal with Difficult Students: The Ultimate Guide (Part 3)

How to Deal with Difficult Students: The Ultimate Guide (Part 3)

This week I began a 3-part series that began with major categories of difficult students followed by preventative steps for managing those kinds of students. On the rare occasion it is needed, I still have a few tricks up my sleeve. Image via Flickr by stevendepolo I...
How to Deal with Difficult Students: The Ultimate Guide (Part 2)

How to Deal with Difficult Students: The Ultimate Guide (Part 2)

Two days ago I started this 3-part series by defining categories of difficult students. As I said in that piece, my classrooms rarely have any challenging students; my secret is stopping the behavior before it starts. Another way to think about it is “An ounce...
How to Deal with Difficult Students: The Ultimate Guide (Part 1)

How to Deal with Difficult Students: The Ultimate Guide (Part 1)

Adult educators have a unique challenge in working with their students. In some cases they have forgotten how to learn and in other scenarios they have forgotten how to behave! But one rotten apple doesn’t need to ruin the whole bunch. Image via Flickr by...
The Challenge of Being An Extrovert

The Challenge of Being An Extrovert

I am a serious extrovert! Nobody is just one or the other, introvert or extrovert. But I am almost all extrovert and that can be super challenging when most of my world is introverted. Back before I left my corporate job, I had the opportunity to participate in a...