Introducing: The Business You Really Want

Introducing: The Business You Really Want

Several months ago, Tonya Kubo — she runs marketing and operations around here — had me write the following on a Post-It and place it on my monitor: “I am a trendsetter…I see things before anyone else sees them.” I wouldn’t say this is...
Three Steps for Making Better Choices

Three Steps for Making Better Choices

Do you struggle to make decisions for your life or business, because you never know if you’re making the “right” choice? The truth is, you may never know if you made THE “right choice” at the moment, and chances are there’s more than one option that could be right for...
How to Scale Your Business

How to Scale Your Business

Have you reached the upper limit of your productivity in your business? Are you doing all you can, but it still just doesn’t feel like you’ve grown your business to where you want it to be? If you’ve been running things as a CEO who is also the face of your business,...
The First Step in Setting a Goal

The First Step in Setting a Goal

How many times have you set a goal, personally or professionally, and then felt frustrated when you weren’t able to reach it? Maybe you were really enthusiastic at the beginning, but you lost interest over time. Maybe the goal felt attainable when you set it, but then...