4 Ways Growth Can be Painful in Your Business

4 Ways Growth Can be Painful in Your Business

There’s a reason we have the term “growing pains” in our collective vocabulary: growth can be painful! In your business, the periods that are the most stressful and overwhelming are usually also the periods where you experience the greatest growth and forward...
How to Establish Systems for Clear & Efficient Communication

How to Establish Systems for Clear & Efficient Communication

How often do the following scenarios happen within your company on a regular basis? You spend too much time answering questions that should have been directed at someone else.Someone who works with your company has to send three different types of messages for one...
How to Set Goals You’ll Keep

How to Set Goals You’ll Keep

How happy are you with the way you typically set goals for your business? Do you keep your goals once you’ve set them, or do you struggle to follow through? In my last post, I outlined the crucial first step in the goal-setting process: quarterly review. Today, I’m...
Three Steps for Making Better Choices

Three Steps for Making Better Choices

Do you struggle to make decisions for your life or business, because you never know if you’re making the “right” choice? The truth is, you may never know if you made THE “right choice” at the moment, and chances are there’s more than one option that could be right for...